Message from the Founder

I walked away feeling extremely equipped with the tools to move forward. For the first time, I felt my fears leaving....
— J. B.

Landing On Purpose Decision-Making Course & Coaching

Access the Decision-Making Course plus a 30-minute weekly coaching call for 1 month to help you put our framework and rating system into action! This highly efficient and practical workshop outlines our 5 step framework for simplifying decision-making. Gain insight, walk away with clarity, and land on your next best decision! Weekly coaching calls offer personalized support to frame your next steps and apply concepts to your unique context. Enrollment period: Rolling

✓ 1-hour online course
✓ Access the decision-making framework
✓ Leverage the decision-making rating system
✓ 1 month of weekly coaching calls

Landing On Purpose Workbook

Landing On Purpose is a revolutionary method to help you uncover your life mission, communicate it + meaningfully put it into action in just 5 simple steps! After years of training and coaching entrepreneurs in quick idea validation, April Peters has applied her simple strategies to help individuals with little time, learn how to live with purpose in no time!

Make sharper decisions, stay on task, and live a more mission-minded life!

This session was more than what I thought it would be. April is clear, concise & her soul is all in it. I left the session today with a clearer understanding on how to approach my new business venture. I am looking forward to working with her...
— D. Washington, Entrepreneur

the Problem

People worldwide are living lives devoid of purpose. 57% of Americans wonder each month how they can find more meaning and purpose in their lives while more than 1 in 5 consider that question daily or weekly, according to a Lifeway poll published in 2021.

Most people lack the tools and time to learn how to move beyond their theoretical values and live them out day to day. They struggle to see the connecting threads in their experiences and find it difficult to live purposefully in their relationships and work. The result: ambitious, aimless pursuits not grounded in purpose, searches for less gratifying means of fulfillment, increased anxiety, relational and emotional breakdowns, and depression.

Our Solution

Landing On Purpose creates and holds a safe space for people to get clear, get focused, and get going toward living lives and making decisions rooted in their unique purpose through our 5-step mission and message-mapping tool. We help people ground themselves in their single-sentence mission statement so they can grow their lives, businesses, and relationships from a place of meaning.

Our Results

 Landing On Purpose:

★  Coached educators and staff in personal mission-mapping to discover or strengthen their “why” and teaching practice.

★  96-98% of teacher participants highly rate the quality & usefulness of the 5-step method and consider the Workbook user-friendly; 100% state the workshop met the planned outcomes and objectives and they will be able to use what they learned from the material.

★ Introduced tools for enhancing restorative practice to practitioners in mental and behavioral health, law, and education.

★ Led nearly 1,200 entrepreneurs, CEOs, educators, and students, in personal and professional developments featuring the Landing On Purpose method via 1:1 coaching, webinars, and workshops.


What is my purpose? How do I discern and start living according to that purpose? Listen for a few helpful tips and tools for understanding and pursuing a life of purpose post-graduation.