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Landing On Purpose Decision-Making Course & Coaching
One time

Access the Decision-Making Course plus a 30-minute weekly coaching call for 1 month to help you put our framework and rating system into action! This highly efficient and practical workshop outlines our 5 step framework for simplifying decision-making. Gain insight, walk away with clarity, and land on your next best decision! Weekly coaching calls offer personalized support to frame your next steps and apply concepts to your unique context. Enrollment period: Rolling

✓ 1-hour online course
✓ Access the decision-making framework
✓ Leverage the decision-making rating system
✓ 1 month of weekly coaching calls

“I have come to a well-thought-out decision by the end of the session.  I have way more clarity on how to practically sort through the disorder I often find in my head.”

– Joshua Peacock

Looking for a method to help you decide your next steps? From small to large decisions in your life, gain a fresh perspective through our Decision-Making Framework and Rating System.

I was really impressed with the content and the presentation. It was clear, captivating, and easy to absorb. I liked the framework and the words used to describe each stage. Each stage was easy to grasp, and the explanations gave more clarity. I walked away feeling extremely equipped with the tools to move forward. For the first time, I felt my fears leaving, and I knew I was ready! I intend to sign up for more sessions and to start drafting a plan to move ahead.
— Jackie Broomfield